About Us
SoothOil is built by a team of health conscious avids, that have our health all greatly benefited from Aromatherapy Essential Oils.
Our Mission
Our mission is to introduce essential oils to as many people as possible, as well as helping more people to understand about handling their own body and health using natural treatments, avoiding as much chemically induced medicines as possible.
Our Vision
Our vision is to become the leading Aromatherapy Essential Oil resource book in the industry, anyone that wants to understand more about topics like natural treatments, essential oils, herbs, pain management, and more, will definitely benefit by reading our contents.
Our Founding Members
Dr. Wilson Chang
Dr. Wilson Chang (MD) is a doctor that specializes in Western medicine, but because of where he graduated from - Taiwan, he also takes huge passion in Chinese traditional treatments, alternative treatments and such.
He is a master herbalist and acupuncturist with over 5 years of experience and is an expert in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Wilson is also one of the founding members of SoothOil.
5 years ago, Wilson was introduced to essential oils and had witnessed the power of them. From then on, essential oils have been a big part of his life, and it had greatly improve his living quality.
Being a skeptic himself, Wilson came to realize through experience and evidence-based medicine, that with proper knowledge and guidance, essential oils can be safe and excellent complements to mainstream treatments.